Meet the talented team behind our beautiful advertising campaigns.

Sara Connors

Chief Executive Officer

Sara is the creative force behind H2O Media. She started H2O to help clients build their brands and businesses through successful advertising campaigns. Her favorite part of her job is watching businesses grow and flourish from their advertising done with H2O. When she is not at her desk, you can find her at the hockey rink or baseball field watching her two boys play.

Carrie Griffin

Chief Operating Officer

Carrie helps execute the vision of our founder and CEO and acts as a liaison between our sales team, our publishing partners, and our clients. When Carrie is not at work, she is spending time with her husband and children, making her new house into their forever home, working out with friends and book club (let's be honest, most months it's wine/brunch).

Frank Miskar

Creative Director

Frank enjoys the creative side of the business, bringing ideas to print/digital and helping smaller companies get brand awareness. When Frank is not creating for our clients, he is enjoying all things outdoors, including mountain biking, camping, snowboarding, skateboarding, and taking his dogs on hikes.

Sara Brenny

Operations Manager

Sara works behind the scenes to organize and keep processes going strong for clients and staff alike. She has a knack for delivering simple and elegant solutions to complicated issues and creates efficiencies to almost any task. In her free time, you can find her sipping coffee by the lake, traveling, reading, or attending her kids' sporting events!

Sarah Strandemo

Social Media and Account Manager

Sarah works alongside our CEO to help with new projects and to make sure everything is running smoothly for the team. She loves to think creatively in all aspects and enjoys seeing our clients' products on our pages. When she is not at her desk with a coffee and to-do list you will find her traveling, going on new adventures, or hanging out with her family and friends. Sarah's favorite coffee drink is a vanilla latte *iced*

Wendy Manning

National Account Manager

Wendy’s favorite thing about working in advertising is connecting with people! She loves hearing the excitement in a client’s voice (or often in their emails) after they realize how much money they can save by working with H2O Media. When Wendy is not working, you can find her "glamping" with family and friends, traveling, cooking, playing with her dogs Addie and Lola, and shopping!

Kaleena Swick “Kali”

National Account Manager

Kaleena’s favorite part of her job is working with small businesses and seeing them grow and succeed from placements that she books for them. In her free time, she gets outside as much as possible. Normally, you can find her hiking, working out, riding her horse, walking her pup on the beach, having wine with friends, or traveling.

Jeanette Hummel

National Account Manager

Jeanette’s favorite part about working in advertising is discovering new brands and products and finding the perfect placement for them with our publishing partners.
In her free time, she loves anything outdoors! Biking, taking her dog for walks at the beach, swimming, yoga, meditation, and more.

Whitney Pridey

National Account Manager

Whitney loves working with clients to gain exposure and help them grow their brand through advertising. In her free time, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors hiking, golfing, and riding horses. She is an avid sports fan. She recently had a baby girl and loves being a new mom!

Juliana Denova

National Account Manager

Juliana puts forth her best effort in increasing the company's client base and sales. She loves discovering so many different businesses and connecting with them to help gain more exposure to their brand. When she is not selling advertising, she is usually found reading with a pumpkin-spiced cold brew!

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