Why One Advertisement is Not Enough


You finally did it. You ran an advertisement. After months (or even years) of getting your business off the ground and establishing a base of customers, you decided it was time to put your product in front of millions of eyes. So you placed an ad. Now all you have to do is sit back,…

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7 Ways to Increase Your Advertising Creativity

Advertising is all about creativity. From your headline to the colors you choose, your advertisements need to be creative if they’re going to attract attention. Now you might not think of yourself as a creative person, but it doesn’t take a lot to increase your artistic abilities. Here are seven suggestions that will help you…

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Wise Words of Advertising Advice


Sometimes you just need a little advertising inspiration. Maybe you’ve run out of ideas, or you’re stuck on a campaign design; or maybe you just need some good advice from David Ogilvy and Bill Bernbach. Whatever the reason, these wise words from some of the industry’s greatest will have your creative juices flowing in no time.…

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