5 Things You Need to do on Instagram
When you think of Instagram, you probably don’t think of a great business tool, but you should.
While this social media site is best known for pictures of yoga poses, healthy foods and makeup tutorials, there’s much more to Instagram than filtered photos. Over the past few years, Instagram has quickly become one of the most popular social media sites, as well as one of the best tools for businesses.
Instagram is not only a great way to share photos of your products with potential customers, but it’s also a great way to advertise for free. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, keep reading to find out what you need to know about promoting and advertising your business with this site.
Use Hashtags
Like many other social media sites, Instagram has a character limit. When posting, you’ll only have 300 characters to work with, meaning you need to be smart about what you say. Hashtags are a great way to pack a lot into a little.
Not only will the hashtags describe what your photo is about, but they will also make it easier for fellow Instagramers to find your photo. Additionally, the hashtags will categorize your photo so users who aren’t following you, but are interested in a hashtag you used will be able to find you, therefore giving you a wider reach and new followers.
Remember 11
No, 11 isn’t just a random number. It’s actually the number of hashtags recommended per Instagram post. Studies have shown that interactions are highest on posts with 11 or more hashtags, so get creative and hashtag as much as you can with each photo.
Use Good Images
If you’ve ever used Instagram, you know there’s some pretty incredible photography on this site. While all those photos are nice to look at, they’re also your competition.
Instagram users want to see quality photography. They’re going to scroll right past anything that’s out-of-focus, dark or confusing. If you photo isn’t bright, clear and eye-catching, don’t post it. Bad photography will likely just drive potential followers and customers away.
Get Engaged
Instagram might be more see than speak, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t communicating.
Consumers love when you interact with them, and this app is the perfect place to do that. If other users comment on your photos, comment back! Answer questions, say thank you and talk to your audience. This is your chance to get people involved in your company. Tell them what you’re all about, and you’ll be surprised by the response you get.
Hold Contests
People love contests – that’s no surprise. So why not use Instagram to hold contests, offer exclusive deals and products, and draw attention to your business?
Contests get people involved. They promote engagement far more than just a photo and can encourage consumers to develop a relationship with your company. Post a picture with a chance to win a giveaway; include a discount code in the caption; or ask users to ‘like and comment’ for a chance to win. This will not only generate more activity on your page, but will also increase traffic to your business.
Instagram is still fairly new, but it’s already clear this site is a tool businesses shouldn’t ignore. You don’t have to be an Instagram guru to create a post, so take these simple tips and get started!